Our Services
Standard 2D Dental Xrays
An OPG (Orthopantomogram) is a panoramic radiograph (x-ray) of the upper and lower jaw.
This image demonstrates the number, position and growth of teeth in the upper and lower jaw and is different from the x-rays taken by your dentist in the dentists’s chair. An OPG examination can be requested for a number of reasons such as pre-orthodontic treatment, assessment of wisdom teeth and general overview of the teeth and bone levels within the upper and lower jaw.
OPG Procedure
You will be required to remove jewelry, glasses, pins, clips, hearing aid and any other metallic objects from the head and neck region that may obscure the image.
You will be asked to hold on to handle bars while resting your front teeth on a small plastic…. If you don’t have any front teeth…. don’t worry! We’ve got that covered also!
The machine slowly rotates around your jaw taking the image…. this usually lasts for about 15-18seconds.
It is important to stay very still while the x-ray is taken.
You will not feel any discomfort during or after the procedure.
Lateral Cephalogram
A Lateral Cephalogram, or as we like to call them… ‘lat cephs’ is a side profile view of the face including your nose and lips.
This Lat Ceph is taken to determine the current and future relationship of the mandible (jaw) to the maxilla (cheekbone) including the nature of the patient’s bite. The OPG is used by Orthodontists and dentists to work out a suitable treatment plan to correct your smile, or by oral surgeons to plan facial surgery.
Lat Ceph Procedure
You will be required to remove jewelry, glasses, pins, clips, hearing aid or any other metallic objects from the head and neck region that may obscure the image.
Whilst standing, a pair of cone shaped ear plugs will be gently positioned in each ear, very similar to headphones. This aligns both ears and ensures you remain still for the x-ray. The machine will move alongside you as it is taking the image.
It is very important to stay very still while the x-ray is taken.
You will not feel any discomfort during or after the procedure.
This x-ray also takes 15 seconds.
Other 2D Dental Imaging
- PA Ceph
- Hand & Wrist
- Periapicals / Bitewings
- Cervical spine and airway studies
CephTrace (Aust).
VDIG has an exclusive association with CephTrace Australia, a dedicated cephalometric tracing service used by dentists and dental specialists Australia wide.
Further details on all CephTrace services including special personalised requests are available by contacting the CephTrace consultant via
email: cephtrace@vdig.com.au
Clinical Photography
VDIG has an exclusive association with CephTrace Australia, a dedicated cephalometric tracing Our Caulfield clinic also offers clinical photography before, during and after your treatment.
Full Mouth Surveys
Our Caulfield clinic also provides a ‘full mouth periapical’ examinations.
These examinations are usually requested by dental specialists like Periodontists or endodontists who would like just a little more clarity when compared to images taken by OPG.